Thursday, January 13, 2011

Oprah Talks about her Failures

ps: all through the interview I was looking at her hair...
Sort of like my idol, sort of lie someone I look upto, I was amazed to see her talk about her low points, like she fails too.. like us? lols... I mean she's Oprah, Is that even possible.... She taught us a thing or two about failure...get back up

When I did the movie “Beloved” which I had and still have a passion for in 1998. I’m not in the movie business; I did this movie because I was passionate about it. I didn’t know you had that weekend and that is it. So, I am thinking that if people don’t go see it this week, they’ll go next weekend. It premiered on a Friday night and I remember Saturday morning hearing we got beat by something called, “Chuckie.” I didn’t know what Chuckie was and everybody is like “the box office wasn’t what it was supposed to be…” They are already predicting what the weekend is going to be and it’s just Saturday morning. I asked my chef at the time, Art Smith, make some macaroni and cheese. I literally went into a tail spin about it.

How much macaroni did you eat?

I ate about 30 pounds worth…I’m not kidding. It’s the only time in my life and I use all life experiences to teach me…the only time in my life I was ever depressed. I recognized that I am depressed because I’ve done enough shows. “Oh, this is what people must feel like when they’re depressed.” I recognized if I don’t come out of this, I’m gonna have to get some help. Then I thought, who am I gonna go to? I literally prayed my way through it and gave myself a time limit that if I’m not better…I don’t mean I’m just feeling blue; I literally went in to that…where you feel like you’re behind a veil.

What did you learn from failure because you must experience it so infrequently? What did it teach you?

Well, I think you can experience it infrequently if you get the lesson. I think the way life is set up for most people who have the opportunity to succeed is that if you get the lesson, you don’t have to repeat that again.

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