Sunday, January 9, 2011

Angry Tanzanians put up their Complaints of the President on Facebook

I was minding my own business when I came across this page of very angry Tanzanians, Angry at the president I presume.

The Group is called as its views hold, President Jakaya M.Kikwete Must Resign At first I thought it was a joke but then as i read on these guys are serious and they discuss their disapointments with rather strong views and thoughts.
They hold neither of my views though, it would be awkward to resign now....but these guys are sure mad... I know not too many people are happy about him but had no idea it was this start facebook pages on. Some of the things these guys say are pretty sad to think about. I wonder if he goes through things like these..pages.
You should really go through this page and see what Tanzanians out there have to say about why they think the president should resign,now of all times....i was sure saddened, amazed,angered, emotional..

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