Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Talk About Accidental Millionaires!!!

This wise guy made millions from A company that launches an excuse absence network service for U.S. employees and students which offers a load of excuses you can use to be absent from work. 
The Excused Absence Network provides all your excuse letter needs for just $25 per excuse note. 

These can be notes which appear to come from professional doctor or hospital and even fake jury summons and authentic-looking funeral service program with poems and pallbearers. The founder started the business for $300 and currently runs it off a laptop in a small Oklahoma town. The site gets about 15,000 hits a month...My Gosh, who woulda thought right?  If you think I'm kdding check out this site here
I need to send my Resume to these guys coz I can come up with such creative excuses sometimes I'm shocked at myself, in kindergarten, i once used this excuse for being late...
'Actually I'm here for tomorrow's lesson so in fact, I'm early.'
I was only 10 so, that was just the start of my excuse talent.

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