Friday, October 8, 2010

Rwanda's Hip Hop Piggies

Have you heard of Rwanda's hip hop pigs?
Self-styled pig DJ Edmund Ndizeye DJs for his piggies a varied mix of hip-hop, reggae, R'n'B, love songs and local tunes, after they've eaten, he plays soft ballads like Celine Dion or Bob Marley to help the animals relax and digest, while later he churns out more aggressive dance tracks - such as Jay-Z or 2Pac - to perk them up.
Sina discovered the pig-rearing technique in Belgium six years ago and says he has witnessed dramatic results since putting it to use at Urwibutso, his farm in Rwanda.

'When we want to make them pregnant we have to put on strong music, so that the males can be strong and virile,' says his boss, Gerard Sina. Interesting, very interesting...

'Human beings like music so I asked myself, why not for animals?' he remarks. 
'I have a sample which have been reared with music and another without. Those reared with music double their yields in terms of number of offspring, the quality of the meat and their weight.' 
'It can easily reduce poverty and food security in this region. This is a way of eradicating unemployment,' 
I would love to DJ for pigs one day,  i wonder what happens when you play them a little techno. I believe his theory with music and animals, my cat used to react quite similarly..almost

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