Friday, October 8, 2010

Quick Question

Am I only one who thought CNN's question in Marketplace Africa  Why is Africa Poor? is an inappropriate question? Summing up that the whole Africa is poor is quite a big deal since, its not a country its a continent with several countries and well, not all African countries are poor. The matter being talked about is inescapable and the facts being true, It jis hit me hard! Its like saying, (this question does not hold my views howsoever, do not be offended)Why Are Americans so Stupid? Just coz u met one loon...
One guy really stated it well made me smile and made much more sense, though everyone is gonna blame it on the leaders, corruption, Greed,incompetence or whatsoever you have to admit....
Africa is not poor but was impoverished because of the effects of colonialism and the continuing viciousness of this spectre of colonialism. It has only been 50 years since these fledgling African economies gained their independencies from the shackles that the late Walter Rodney called "Western forces that underdeveloped Africa." Compared to most Western countries which either gained their independencies or were already free by the 18th centuries (The 18th century lasted from 1701 to 1800 in the Gregorian calendar), yet enjoyed a considerable amonut of time in building the empires under free labour through slavery; the comparison that we today draw between Africa and other parts of the world, or the ridicule that we often display in our showcase of Africa, is simply unfair....

Do check out the conversation on CNN here 

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