Saturday, October 2, 2010


 The Apple iPad has inspired designers to create the iMaxi, which is a cool quilted cotton sleeve. Designer Hiphandmaids conceived the idea of an iMaxi based on personal hygiene napkins. If you have an iPad, and would like to protect it from motherboard leaks and other “accidents” you could go and get yourself this iMaxi. It just makes me think what people might think when you open your iPad. That you had been keeping your iPad in your sanitary pad? giggles.... go ahead and get yourself the iMaxi...this invention wil really tick off some people ha ha

I have male friends who have enough problems with the name i-pad, infact I always used to tease them and ask around " So did you carry your 'pad' "

Once a friend of mine went in an Apple store and asked for an  iTampon...they were such geeks they didnt get it! (wait, u get it ryt? i-Pad..i-Tampon.....tell me u get it ..!)

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