Monday, September 6, 2010

Heartless Harry!

(as u can see he is riding an injured pony, who appears to have been stabbed in the flank by spurs during a polo match)
This pic has spread massive around the web and many peopel are buzzing, animal lovers are attacking Harry for riding an injured Pony.

The horse was injured during a match at the Guards Polo Club in Windsor Great Park, Berkshire, in July, but photographs of the incident have only just emerged. Prince Harry's Household Cavalry team was beaten by the Royal Navy by five and a half goals to five. The Navy had been granted a half goal advantage at the start of the match. 
 Under polo rules, riders who use their spurs excessively face disciplinary action ranging from a warning for a first offence to a fine of up to £50,000. They state: ‘Any player intentionally striking another player or any pony with his stick, or abusing his pony by excessive use of the whip or spurts shall be severely penalised.’ The rules also say: ‘Any spur likely to wound a horse is forbidden.’
Though a Spokesman said Prince Harry was wearing regulation footwear (round-headed spurs) worn by many polo players. ‘As soon as the cut was noticed, play was stopped and the horse was treated properly. The horse was absolutely fine and returned to the field immediately.’ He added: ‘Prince Harry takes the welfare of his horses incredibly seriously and has been riding this horse for many years. ‘He has nothing but the highest respect for the polo ponies and would never knowingly do anything to cause the animals distress.’
Diana would b

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