Friday, August 6, 2010

Miley Cyrus Asian Photo

I never thought the Miley Cyrus asian photo was a big deal until hearing that the Chinese government is not pleased.

This photo was distributed online, of Cyrus and friends pulling their eyes slanted while sitting next to an unidentified Asian American boy. If you ask me it looks like jis some friends having a laugh,notice everyone is pretending to have slanted eyes while the chinese one is pretending to have non slanted eyes. At the same time, its sort of unfair to Asians because there are  so many people always trying to poke fun of Asians and at some point it reaches boiling points so i don't think the Asians are overreacting at all, if you put yourselves in their shoes, sometimes its too much to handle, it should be a lesson though. It might've been just a photo  pose for fun but  you have to watch what your jokes and pranks sound like to someone else.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China has announced the immediate barring of Miley Cyrus from entering the country. The government has also banned any broadcast of her TV show, films, and any sales of merchandise.The ban is currently indefinite.Foreign minister Yang Jiechi has stated, “Miss Cyrus has made it clear she is no friend of China or anyone of East Asian descent. We have no interest in further polluting our children’s minds with her American ignorance.”

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