Saturday, August 7, 2010

Its Official, Julia Roberts is ow 'Hindu'!

If you've heard the  gossip about Julia turning them..its true!! She told Elle magazine: "I'm definitely a practicing Hindu. Golly, I've been so spoiled with my friends and family in this life. Next time I want to be just something quiet and supporting."
In Eat, Pray, Love –Movie which is based on a memoir by writer Elizabeth Gilbert Julia plays a divorcee who decides to travel the world before finding love in Bali.During filming in India last year, Julia completely connected with the Hindu culture and was "astounded" during a visit to the Taj Mahal and thot 'hey. why not?'.

Julia Roberts was apparently so impressed by Hindu culture when she began studying it for Eat, Pray, Love that she decided to convert to the ancient belief system...and now prays at a temple in L.A with her hubby. I have nothing against Hinduism but honestly ama tell hit us by surprise, we dint see this comin!
seems like now every celebrity is converting to somethin else, Kabbalist, Scientologists, Judaism...its almost a trend!

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