Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Indonesia Parliament's internal TV displays Porn

 Looks like Indonesia's porn industry is expanding, all the way to the parliament.The internal TV in  the Indonesian parliament broadcasted  porn images, You can imagine the shock on journalists and legislators' faces. Journalists trying to check the parliamentary schedule found two touch-screen terminals located near the media room had been diverted to a pornographic website showing hardcore photographs, including "young teens"
Amazing...You'd think someone would be careful enough but Noooooooo!..they broadcast in the parliament. I bet everyone was silently watching...

 For 15 long, glorious minutes for the members of the parliament' (and assembled journalists) they were treated to  free porn on the internal TV channel until some wise guy switched off the screens. Now his is not something I'd usually be laughing at but its the moment it occurred that made it funny, when government is working to block porn websites as part of a campaign against undesirable Internet! The government commands that ISPs block porn by August 11th for Ramadan.
"It's not a funny incident," Roy Suryo, a Democratic Party lawmaker, was quoted by the Globe as saying. "Someone must be held responsible for it." I bet he was smiling in the inside like 'This is really good! must be new, never seen that before!'

Roy said it appeared that someone had copied images from a pornographic site, saved them and then uploaded them to the parliament's website. So that's what people do on those busy offices! You'd think someone who's working for the 'parliament' would be a bit smarter( sigh) Though other reports say that its an action of the hackers( eyebrow raise) who do we believe?  Actually, now that I think about it, this sounds like someone was enjoying some porn and hit the wrong switch.The prankster who did this got some  balls!

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