Friday, August 6, 2010

The Giving Pledge

40 of America's biggest fishies have signed up to dispensing at least half of their fortunes, either during their lifetimes or after death.
its called the "The Giving Pledge", pioneered by champion investor Warren Buffett and the Microsoft founder, Bill Gates. It was launched barely two months ago, and there are already 40 American billionaires. I am just loving this idea,people who are eager to give back, that is some move to make.And you gotta admit half of one billionaire's fortune is a lot of money; half of more than 10 billionaires' fortunes is 10 times that. And the written statement of intent can usefully concentrate even a billionaire's mind. For all that, the proof of the pledge is the action.

As described by Buffett and Co, the pledge is a moral commitment, not a legal contract. It's worth keeping an eye out to see whether, when the time comes, moral pressure is quite enough.
An example of People who want to do more with their wealth than lavish living...I'm touched..When i get extra extremely rich..I'll sign in too! ( fat grin)
So many wealthy individuals out there who just think of spending till they drop, this is something that impresses many Tanzanians, Kenyans, Congolese, Rwandans,Ugandans, etc out there would do this? Give half of their wealth to help out people they don't even know? I'd like to see this spirit back home too

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