Thursday, June 30, 2011

In The Streets with Fashion...

We've all heard of the Gentlemen of the Bacongo, we've heard of them before, they're unique style of dressing, explore with colors, designers suits, obsessed with looking good more than anything else and I thought, well...Men can be colorful when they wanna huh.... Intense Fashion in the streets

Tanzanian Designer Sheria Ngowi

Kanye + frenz
Whatever happened to the Rosewood movement?


And I love the Navy Jackets With shorts look

Ps; Real Men Dont wear Pink? Says Who?

suspenders are ur friends

Pick a Theme, 
The 30's or the 90's ?

Image Source: Trashness.Com, FyeahAfrican

What's Different About An African Government?

This is was a quite interesting piece I got and found worth sharing, is this the definition  of an African Government? Its quite a harsh definition of an African Government but damn....
Government as it is known in the West does not exist in much of Africa.Leaving aside the democratic requirement that a government must be by the people and for the people, one expects at a minimum a ‘government’ to be responsive to the needs of the people, or at least, to perform some services for its people. But even this most basic requirement for ‘government’ is lacking in Africa.

‘Government’ as an entity is totally divorced from the people, perceived by those running it as a vehicle not to serve but to fleece the people.Dishonesty, thievery, and peculation pervade the public sector. Public servants embezzle state funds; high-ranking ministers are on the take. The chief bandit is the head of state himself.

In Africa, government officials do not serve the people. The African state has been reduced to a mafia-like bazaar, where anyone with an official designation can pillage at will. In effect, it is a ‘state’ that has been hijacked by gangsters, crooks, and scoundrels. They have seized and monopolized both political and economic power to advance their own selfish and criminal interests, not to develop their economies.

Their overarching obsession is to amass personal wealth, gaudily displayed in flashy automobiles, fabulous mansions and a bevy of fawning women. Helping the poor, promoting economic growth or improving the standard of living of their people is anathema to the ruling elites.‘Food for the people!’ ‘People’s power!’ ‘Houses for the masses!’ are simply empty slogans that are designed to fool the people and the international community.

Dr. George Ayittey, economist, author, professor at American University, associate scholar at the Foreign Policy Research Institute and president of the Free Africa Foundation in Washington DC.
Source: The Africa They Never Show YOu

Khomanani-Caring Together

Campaigns from the South African Government, Lets take our relationship to the next level, lets get tested for HIV
Khomanani is the South African government led HIV,& AIDS campaign..real smart actually, When these words 'Lets take our relationship to the next level' come up..I think ... Oh God, he wants her to move in., wait....even bigger, marriage!..

Dakar Fashion Week..

Senegals Moment of Fashion...cant wait to see those Dazzling Designs and designers...

Vault Vids: P-Square on Wendy Willaims

Am I the only one who saw this a little too late?...*grindsteeth* anyway..ineteresting interview and I love these guys... I see they're getting theyr P.diddy on with the shades... Hecka, it was a funny interview lols

Shark Jumps Over Surfer

An incident in 

Florida's New Smyrna Beach

You're a surfer riding some Smyrna waves whats the worse that could happen? Umm I dunno, a 1.2 metre long shark leaps over your head! many hits, but the shark looked like a salmon...overhype
The sea creature in the video is actually spinner shark, and such behaviour is perfectly normal and completely harmless – to humans anyway.
The Florida Museum of Natural History explained: ‘They swim swiftly up in a vertical position to swallow their prey while they spin. Often their momentum causes them to exit the water.’
Spinner sharks, highly valued by fisheries, are on the threatened species list.

NewsWeek Cover

All I have to say is, Really Newsweek? Really? O_o

The cover story, If she were here now... She would 50 if she were alive today, and the graphic artists aged her to 50 and photoshopped her to this image with Kate Middleton.. 
Newsweek is supposed to be a respectable magazine, like TIME, how do they go out and do something like this, how is her family supposed to feel about looking at this image being toyed around with like that years after her death  just sell a mag,plain creepy.
 plus That neck, I would just Sue! They should let this woman, rest in peace.. 

Editor-in-Chief Tina Brown has been on the defensive, making an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” to explain.

“Some people think it’s kind of spooky, and should we have done it?” Brown said. “And, you know, others think it’s very effective.”

Brown continued: “I found it really interesting to imagine what she would be doing now.  ... She loved being in the limelight, but she also would’ve really sort of professionalized all that humanitarian giving that she was doing.”

Ps Heres The Cover Story...I still think this was an awful idea.

Diana would have been 50 this month. What would she have been like? Still great-looking: that’s a given. Her mother, Frances Shand Kydd, with her cornflower-blue eyes and striding sexuality, was a handsome woman to the very end. Fashionwise, Diana would have gone the J.Crew and Galliano route à la Michelle Obama, always knowing how to mix the casual with the glam. There is no doubt she would have kept her chin taut with strategic Botox shots and her bare arms buff from the gym. Remarriage? At least two, I suspect, on both sides of the Atlantic. Always so professional herself, she would have soon grown exasperated with Dodi Al-Fayed’s hopeless unreliability. After the breakup I see her moving to her favorite city, New York, spending a few cocooned years safely married to a super-rich hedge-fund guy who could provide her with what she called “all the toys”: the plane, the private island, the security detail. Gliding sleekly into her 40s, her romantic taste would have moved to men of power over boys of play. She’d have tired of the hedge-fund guy and drifted into undercover trysts with someone more exciting—a high-mindedly horny late-night talk-show host, or a globe-trotting French finance wizard destined for the Élysée Palace. I suspect she would have retained a weakness for men in uniform, and a yen for dashing Muslim men.

And who is the World's Grumpiest cat?

I wouldnt love to have that cat in my house...

I dunno, wen u see cats u imagine these things walking around playing with loose wires, running around looking for mice, sitting on your lap while you watch TV, not this cat...
Mister Pip apparently has an intense dislike of noise, bad weather, dogs and football.
The Persian Burmese was snapped looking glum as glum can be by his owner Rose Oughten from Kings Lynn in Norfolk

The Protest Against Volkswagen

Remember that The Force Commercial by Volkswagen..well
it has made a turn for the worst.. at

Old Street's Silicon Roundabout, North London

The stunt was organised by Greenpeace and saw environmentalists dress up as the iconic Star Wars figures to unfurl banners around the roundabout protesting against Volkswagen’s alleged opposition to European environmental laws. 
A banner unveiled in the centre of the large roundabout on Tuesday morning, declared: ‘Volkswagen. The Dark Side’, with a link to a website detailing Greenpeace’s protest. 
A statement, entitled Rebel Manifesto, on the site states: ‘Our home - Earth - is in trouble. VW opposes key environmental laws we need if we're going to stop our planet going the way of Alderaan (bye bye). But all is not lost. We feel the good in Volkswagen.
 The official Anti-Volkswagen Video from Greenpeace...

A Picture Can Say a Thousand Words

You were in Bagamoyo Yesterday
Yeah the whole day
Why didnt you tell me, thats my home town
I didnt want to be a bug
Aaaaah...Nice socks..
Bought them at the airport
Ps:The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation assist Tanzania in research on health and agriculture sectors.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Street Style: Kenya

This is from the Street Fashionista Contest From African Woman Magazine FB page..

To vote, just leave a comment on the picture of your favorite fashionista! 

What Would Nyerere DO?

I ran across this video TEDxDar and thought, well well...I love this woman...
Modesta is a renowned writer, with weekly columns on The Guardian and Business Times newspapers, ASPIRE and Bang! Magazines. She has signed up with Clouds FM for a two hour weekly radio show and with TBC1 for a weekly TV Talk Show. Apart from her motivational speaking engagements, Modesta is one of the few young entrepreneur mentors who gives of her time daily strongly believing that "only developed people, develop nations."

speaks of Human Resource Development and how this could make Tanzania an economic powerhouse under the TEDxDar 2010 theme of "What would Nyerere Do?"

African Woman May June Issue 2011

I love this cover, Kenya's Music Divas...
Uganda's Music Divas

What no Tanzanian Music Divas...o wait  there aint no African Woman Mag in Tzee now is there..darn...
Though I think I will always be inlove with the March/April issue from Kenya

Somewhere in Dar Es Salaam...

I used to wonder how Tanzania's CIAs versions operate...well
So much for undercover...
whoever this car was followin got the memo now..

ImageCredits: ItsDar

Freestyle and Prose...

From Across the continent...

Keyti: Poetry in the Street (Dakar, Senegal) from Nomadic Wax on Vimeo.
Shot on location in downtown Dakar, Senegal, at the entrance to Marche Sandaga.

Produced by Nomadic Wax.
Featuring: Keyti (Formerly of Rap'Adio crew)
DP: Magee McIlvaine
Editor: Magee McIlvaine
Sound: Ben Herson
Audio Post Production: Dan Cantor (Notable Productions)
Translation: Keyti


Video for spoken word from Senegalese rapper Keyti–remember him? Keyti was one of the stars of Ben Herson’s 2009 documentary film about hip hop and politics in the Senegalese capital, “Democracy in Dakar.” 

Freestly From Fid Q and Nikki Mbishi from Tanzania

UK Launch of Fiat 500 by Gucci

Talk about Riding in Style...I'd like the sound of that, even my car is
The UK launch of  FIAT 500 by Gucci, a special edition FIAT 500 customized by Gucci Creative Director Frida Giannini in collaboration with FIAT’s Centro Stile on June in London, England.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mario Epanya's Winkler Magazine...

I love Mario Epanya's work to bits! And now so we can enjoy his work some more, he has come up with an Online Magazine called Winkler Dedicated to African women... I am not only inlove but obsessed with this online Read!

Winkler is a beauty magazine dedicated to black women worldwide. It’s about the evolution of Black beauty in the media and my goal is to be among the high fashion and beauty editorials recognized worldwide like Glamour, Elle or Allure .
If you havent gone through it go to  Winkler
or have a peak below

 Read His Interview Below

Any chance we might see your magazine in stores worldwide?
Hopefully! Working on that. First, I want to see the evolution of the magazine online, to see how the community and women receive it and if the subscribers and readers ask for a print version in a few months or years ,then we’ll make a print version .
Why are you considering moving to SA?
Well I got a few people working in the fashion industry ,models and photographers who told me that South Africa is more open minded to Black publications and that it won’t be much of a struggle to source investment for the magazine .The fashion and beauty industry is growing and South Africa will become, in a few years, a fashion city capital just Milan, London or Paris and it’s time to have some contacts over there .
Will that not affect your business or magazine?
Hopefully not. For issue 2, Innocent Ndlovu, a South African journalist collaborated with me and wrote two articles for Winkler. He is an adventure I know ,but I made the same adventure ten years ago when I decided to move to Paris.
What have you heard about South Africa?
A lot of nice stuff about the fashion industry. Professionalism, multi-cultural and a chance to get more jobs in the SA beauty industry. But I also heard about protectionism. I read in some blogs that the South African government doesn’t give a lot of work permits to foreigners and weird things about the police behaviour to foreigners, but sometimes it’s better to experience yourself.
Why are you tired of Paris?
Don’t get me Wrong , I ADORE Paris ,it’s such a beautiful place to live, my life is here and there’s also a lot of creativity here . A Llot of people may not understand my reaction but as a Parisian , it’s sad to say but the fashion industry here is very conservative and not open to new talents and multiculturalism is a “forbidden word. The Parisian fashion industry, I’m afraid that in a few years Paris will be out of fashion because they are not” sensible to the evolution of the world “.
Source:Juicy Africa

Our Path To Tanzania...

Our Path to Tanzania' is a film that underscores many of learning opportunities that International school links can offer to the global communities. 
And basically a couple of things to take note of before ur off to never ever drink Tap Water in will cost you dearly..

The film begins with stories about establishing the link between sister schools; George Abbot School in Guildford, UK and Mukidoma Schools in Arusha, Tanzania. The film progresses into telling about preparations undertaken by a team of Students and staffs from George Abbot School in order to meet native Tanzanians during July 2011expedition.

source:Urban Pulse

The Forgotten Speech...

I always say, this man was a great leader... Hats Off.
This Speech was sent to me by friend via souce JamiiForum
In the first part, a group of university students (almost 400 of them) from DUC (before it became UDSM) marched to the Statehouse protesting the National Service arrangement which they considered to be exploitative in nature. Without fear or excuses Nyerere and his Cabinet were prepared to meet them. Force was not used to stop them. 

The incident is recorded in “We Must Run, While They Walk, pp 26-32- a book by William Edgett Smith” Digital transcription is mine; all italics and brackets original. I will have a Pdf file with the complete text next time. 

My salary! Do you know what my salary is? Five Thousand damned shillings a month! Five thousand damned shillings in a poor country! The poor man who gets two hundred shillings a month - do you know how long it’s going to take him to earn my damned salary? Twenty-five years! It’s going to take the poor man in this country, who earns two hundred shillings a month, twenty-five years to earn what I earn in a year. 

The damned salaries! These are salaries which build this kind of attitude in the educated people, all of them! All of them! Me and you! We belong to a class of exploiters! I belong to your class! Where I think three hundred and eight pounds a yeas is a prison camp! Is forced labor! We belong to this damned exploiting class on top. Is this the country we fought for? Is this what we worked for? In order to maintain a class of exploiters on top?

I agree with you! We are paying too much! Everybody in this damned country is paid too much- except the poor peasant. I’ll slash the salaries! I agree with you! I’m glad you’re so concerned about this country! Forced labor? Where do we get this language? The day I can give every worker of Tanzania three hundred and eighty pounds, we will have worked a revolution that has not been worked anywhere in Africa. The day that I succeed in giving everybody in this damned country three hundred pounds, we shall have worked a terrific revolution; we could stand all of us on top of Kilimanjaro and proclaim the Tanzanian revolution!

Forced labor! Go, go in the classroom, go and don’t teach. This we shall county as National Service for three hundred and eighty pounds a year. You are right salaries are too high. Everybody in this country is demanding a pound of flesh. Everybody except the poor peasant. How can he demand it? He doesn’t know the language. Even in his own language he can’t speak of forced labor. What kind of country are we building?” He fairly screeched the words.

I have accepted what you said. And I am going to revise salaries permanently. And as for you, I am asking you to go home. I’m asking all of you to go home. Rashid! You are responsible to see that they go home.”

There was mild applause, presumably from those students who didn’t realize what had happened. He expelled them, three hundred and ninety three in all and sent them home. all of them

 ha ha ha ha!

Boxing Kitten Fall/Winter 2011 Collection

Boxing Kitten  has done it again with its vintage vibrant West African inspired Ankara fabrics, this time paired with vintage silhouettes, i love how they  brought them back Vintage meets Ankara for  Fall/Winter 2011 Collection...