Sunday, October 31, 2010

Some Funny Baby Names

thanx to Matondo's for the names...
Looks like Globalization is affecting baby names in Kagera, okay I am not making fun of the Haya (do put on a sense of humour when u read this), these are  just some funny names, Due to high use of Cellphones up in Kagera,Tanzania... baby names are changing as well
1. Network Rugemalira  2. Subscriber Rwegasira  3. Nokia Mugisha 4. Siemens Rweyemamu 5. Motorola Rweiyunga 6. Dial Kalokola 7. Vibration Rutabanzibwa 8. Call Later Rwenyongeza 9. Voicemail Mutashobya 10. Simcard Mwombeki 11. Scratchcard Rwehumbiza12. Talktime Buberwa 13. Send Rutashobya 14. Paging Mutayoba15. Mobitel Rumanyika (Chief) 16. Message Rwezaura 17. SMS Kashaija 18. Phonebook Mugyabuso 19. Ringtone Kyaruzi 20. Celtel Mutalemwa (Chief) 21. Coverage Mutakyawa 22. Congestion Mushumbusi 23.Vodacom Ishengoma (Chief) 24. Cellphone Rugarabamu 25. Beep Rweyendera 26. Network busy Rwetabura27. Missed Call Rwelamira 28. Message Sent Lwakatare 29. Buzz Rutabandama 30. SautiYaWatu Rubibira 31. Making life better Rugaiganisa 

32. Simcard Lukamilwa 33. Notreachable Kokushubira34. Messagealert Aligawesa 35. Celtel Mujwauzi 36. Kalikawe Menu37. Keypadlocked Bingileki 38. Phonebook kokuhama 39. Shumbusho Templates 40. Buzznibomba Byabato 41. SonnyErricson Kashebo 42. Network Rutahakana  43. Delete Katunzi 44. Celltower Byarugaba Kokuberwa 45. Nokia Kataraia46. Vibrationalert Kokutona 47. Unlock Kente Nkaitwabo 48. Umenibip Kaizilege 49. Rechargevoucher Kaindoa 50. Calldivert Kyabulyo 51. Screensaver Mujuni 52. Beatrice Kokubatterydown53. Batteryfull Rwegoshora 54. Receivedcalls Mugangala 55. Charger Kemilembe  56. Sms Rujweka 57. Notreachable Tibangayuka 58. Mtandao Kaizirege Rutabasimwa 59. Outbox Kokupima 60. Tigo Kokunyegeza 61. Ringtone Rushobiya 62. Beep Kagasheki. 63. Unreachable Rwebangira.  64. Voda Mukyanuzi 65. Network Rugarabamu (aka Message Failed). 66. ZeroBalance Rugaimukamu 67. Keypad Mukandala 68. Connection Failed Mutembei

T.I and Chris Brown

Ever this Guy, T.I. was called off of all charges and was told he's not going back to prison, I guess he's keeping busy. Nice, just lay off illegal stuff for now..we dont wanna hear more songs about it
Chris and T.I. on the set of Get back Up. I mean I really felt bad for the guy, how do you get outta prison and go back the next month lol...
Lemme show you how funny things went...

TI and Tiny Arrested For Possession!! [MUG SHOT + DETAILS]
Sep 03, 2010
Drug Tests Confirm TI & Tiny Possessed Opiates
Sep 17, 2010
Then tried to save the day right before his sentencing...
TI Saves Man From Committing Suicide. Coincidence or not? Get the ...
Oct 14, 2010
TI Suicide story- was it A HOAX?!
Oct 19, 2010
Got 11 months in prison....
TI Has 2 Weeks To Turn Himself In - Gets Sentenced To 11 Months!
Oct 15, 2010
He begged for no jail time...
Oct 18, 2010
Some "mysterious" group begged for no jail time...
T.I. Has Mysterious Group Beg Judge To Not Jail Him! It's getting weird
October 23, 2010

I guess things like these only happen when you're a celebrity, but I'm just glad he didnt go back to prison, I was starting to like him all over again.

iLike:Kerry WAshington

I seriously have a celeb crush on Kerry Washington, She jis always looks so damn Good and on point,
Kerry on the set of 106 and Park

From Benin With Love

Myra From Benin, who is always having excuses to miss work, (almost like me!) sent this funny sick note she found.  Myra, I hope you dont ever use this note!

Unexpected pals

Gues Which two Celebs are now hangin out, 
Michelle Williams, Brian Friedman (dancer, choreographer) and Carmit Bachar (singer, dancer, founding member of Pussycat Dolls) at Elton John's AIDS Foundation Winter Ball/Halloween 2010 in London. 
I wonder what Carmit has been upto, havnt heard about her for while. I never though Pussycat dolls did these girls goods, they're talented but it just shadowed the other Pussycats. On the other Hand Michelle Injured her knee and wouldnt be able to dance on saturday on...
Strictly Come Dancing,She was told she could miss one programme but if it was any more than that, bosses said she would have to leave the series...ouch, Okay Michelle we wish u a quick recovery
Btw...She was also in Pride Magazine, November Fearless  Issue, she lookd dashing

Quick Question

Ever thought what Adobe Photoshop workspace would look like if there were no computers?

Did Y'all See Saturday Night Live?

Okay I love SNL and i rili dont miss one show, thought sometimes I'm caught in the line of duty and miss It but Well, I always go back and find it! Now Last nights Rihanna Perfomance, amazing, you should see this. Bonny and Clyde

plus she started the show with Whats my name and did Only girl in the end, and it just sounded a lil off, I love Riri but she just didnt bring it with the perfomance, no energy , And the backup singers sounded wrong, plus even worse, she forgot her lyrics!


Saturday, October 30, 2010

Swahili Fashion Week Launch Party

Swahili Fashion Week launch party 2010 Dar Es Salaam Fashionistaz Partying in style and glamour,Designers, models and fashion celebrity in attendance.
“We believe that, the launch party is the beginning of the very best we have to offer that is yet to come as we commence the Swahili Fashion Week 2010 season”. Said Mustafa Hassanali. Organizer of Swahili Fashion Week
“The entrance for the party is only 20,000/= only, lets join hands together to celebrate and support our fashion industry.” Stated Roy Mbowe of East Africa Radio
“The Lunch party shall have lot of goodies for fashionistaz to win apart from the Fashion Forward Beats by East Africa Radios Finest DJ who shall spin the Night away” Added Roy Mbowe East Africa’s Radios Marketing manager
Looked like a whole loada fun...

Miss World 2010

So 18 year old Miss USA Alexandria Mills took the crown for miss world...

Miss Kenya Natasha Metto Miss World Beauty with a Purpose 
Imagine, the only Africans that made it to top 25 were Botswana,Namibia,South Africa and Kenya
Sadly our Genevive did not get much further, better luck next time Tanzania
And Miss Botswana  Emma Wareus Was 2nd!!!!!!!!! I still think she shoulda won She is gorgeous! 
I stomped upon this interview she had on Miss World .Rendezvous with Miss Botswana
In a sea of beautiful women from different parts of the globe that have set foot in Sanya China, what makes you stand out?
What I believe will make me stand out at Miss World is the pride I carry for, not just my country, but my continent as a whole & I believe my walk, my smile & my entire being exudes it. My goal at Miss World will not only be to compete but to respresent my nation & hopefully teach people more about my beautiful country & its rich culture.

 If you could trade places with any other famous person for a week, real or fictional, with whom would it be & why?
If I could go back to her time it would definitely be Joan of Arc. Many people believed she was crazy & perhaps she was, who knows? All I know is that she stood up for what she believed in, even though she was standing alone. That is a quality I admire.

What is your worst quality?
People have told me I am bossy & I suppose it may come across that way, but the truth is I strive hard to achieve what I want & I am very firm about being true to my vision & I have no problem making that known.

Describe your fashion sense & style.
I believe that one should dress the way they feel & I try to potray my personality in my clothes & accessories. I love African fashion & enjoy mixing & matching my countries beautiful cultural attire with western ideas and/or styles.

What's inside your bag right now?
*searching through bag* I have my mobile phone, purse, house keys, lipgloss & mascara, hand lotion, Ipod & some sour worms I promised to buy for my niece.

Any beauty secrets that you would like to share the readers of Missosology?
I believe that when you feel beautiful, you look beautiful so always make comfort your first priority when choosing your outfit.

What is your personal quote or motto that you live by?
Try not to become a man of success but a man of value - Albert Einstein

Name 3 words that your friends would say to describe you & why?
I cheated whilst answering this question & asked my friends their opinions. They said I am Strong, Confident & Loyal because I always keep a smile on my face even through troubled times & I will always put my friends & family first.

Who are your favorite beauty queens?
Botswana's Mpule Kwelagobe (Miss Universe 1999) & India's Lara Dutta (2000)

Tell us about your preparations for the Miss World contest.
I have been putting as much effort as I can into my "Beauty with a Purpose" project by serving my people & my country to my utmost ability & working with those affected by the natural disaster that has devastated the people of the Okavango Delta. I have also been expanding my knowledge of different countries & their cultures & of course, current affairs.

As a contestant, what would you like to see done to improve the Miss World pageant?
To be honest, I cannot think of an aspect or an area of The Miss World Pageant that needs improvement.

Tell us about your dream vacation/destination.
I don't know if this counts as a "destination" but when I was a child I saw a picture of the northern lights (polar auroras) & I have always wanted to be there & see the beauty first hand.

Is cosmetic surgery an unfair advantage in pageant competition. Why or why not?
Personally I would not undergo cosmetic surgery as I believe my looks are part of my ancestry & my lineage. Inner beauty is most important & therefore I do not think cosmetic surgery is an advantage. Miss World is about a lot more than physical beauty.

If you could go back and start your life over again, what one thing would you do differently?
I have developed so many interests & hobbies over the years that I am very passionate about and perhaps it would be nice to go back in time so that I could start them at an earlier age. I would not like to change my past though, because both the good & bad have made me who I am today.

Miss World's slogan is "Beauty with a Purpose." What do you think is your purpose?
My purpose is to serve my people. I aim to aid my country in being an educated, safe, secure, moral & tolerant nation, and in doing so ignite the pride & dignity I know lies in the heart of each & every citizen of Botswana.

Lastly, what's your special message to the worldwide visitors of Missosology, most especially to your fans & supporters?
I am so grateful to have been given this opportunity & hope that I can prove myself to all those that have placed their faith in me by showing the world that I am more than just a pretty face. Thank you to all my supporters & fans both locally & internationally. I am driven & motivated because of your love & support.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Jasmine Mans Explains her Poem on NIcki Minaj

The Miss-Education of a Barbie has been going round like crazy, there a those who are hating on her for slamming Nicki and those who said she did right. Well She explains it and says, it wasnt a diss and she is actually a long time fan of Nicki...Listen Close..
My poem targets Nicki Minaj because I am a long time fan and follower of her work. I recognize and applaud her lyrical abilities and the affect she has on women older and younger than myself. If we, as an audience, do not hold up a mirror to our artists, then who will?
The "Miss-Education of a Barbie" questions the message that Nicki Minaj is relaying to her listeners. If Nicki Minaj seeks to simply entertain audiences with shallow concepts then my poem can be written off as irrelevant to her and her fans alike. However, if she seeks to make a difference in musical history and in the lives of her fans around the world then my piece questions her methods of doing so.
Her "Barbie" image is an objectification of womanhood. How can we expect our male rappers to pay homage and respect to women when the voice that is representing us is tainted with sexual innuendos and “child’s play?”
Most rappers say in response to this "look, I didn’t ask to be anyone’s role model, I am just doing me like always." for Nicki, this isn’t true, she did ask to be famous. She engineered herself to be more marketable so that this could happen. Now that it happened, what will she do with that power? Will she be self-serving at the expense of her fans? Or will she be both entertaining, sexy and socially progressive for women? We don't want the Nicki we know to go away, we want the Nicki we know to be 3 Dimensional.
W.E.B. DuBois said all art is propaganda and should be used to uplift and challenge the African American community, and if art does not do such it is useless. Nicki Minaj is too powerful to be useless.My piece is not a “diss,” it is a dare.I dare Nicki Minaj to be a PHENOMENAL WOMAN and not a phenomenal "Barbie."
Though this reminded me of an old video I saw a while ago when Everybody didnt get the 'Harajuku Barbie thing and she sorta hadda explain it over and over again....

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Riri Signing Books ALready!

I swear This girl acts, sings and is now writing books, When she's done she might as well take over world just to say she did it.
I love that  instead of wearing a skintight, revealing clothing to show off some fat thunder thighs & popping out boobies she wore a loose dress that covers from head to toe and still looks fabulous,  floral print dress and nude coloured pumps More is Less Ladies!! Take note
By the way, Whats my name Video is in the making cant wait  to see it, i just love Drizzy!!!(twingling fingers) According to various sources Ri and Drake looked like longtime pals and got along great.( Take note these two had a 'friends with benefits relationship' and Drizzy dissed Riri for 'Abandoment') When he arrived on set, she yelled out, ‘Drizzy”! And they hugged, Ow Chweet!

I dont know about MAtt but Ri and Drizzy wud look real cute together
I'm still in the 'Why is she still on that' Mindstate after reading the Marie Claire Interview, After poppin by on some few online spaces found out I was not the only one in that mindstate. When everyone wanted her to talk, she was silent, now everybodys tired and she's still on and on about it...Yish!  But I guess the interviewers themselves ask for it and since she got over it, she's more comfortable to talk about it now

God has a crazy way of working, and sometimes when stuff happens you feel like, “What did I do to deserve this?” Why was it backfiring on me?’
‘I was very lost. I have to say I felt really confused. I hate talking about it but it was really crazy because I felt so out of touch with myself and when that happens. Nothing you say or do feels like it’s you. You just lose touch of everything that you love and everything you would normally do; how you would dress or how you would say something. It just feels like it’s not coming from you. It’s just this one empty vase. I felt like an empty vessel.”
 check out a  Papparazzi vid of the making of Whats my name below

World's First Billion Dollar Home:Antilia Mukesh Ambani House!

SO u got a couple dollars, you have a few rides, You can buy the drinks the bottles, chicks be wilding over you, I bet you think  you're living the good life...Think Again...
This guys, he's living the good life Mukesh Ambani owns the World’s first billion dollar home located in Mumbai, Yes Confirmed and it is ready! its a 27-storey  (560 ft or 173 m) building completed for Indian businessman Mukesh Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Industries.( Yeah I know what you thinking, You're house is a 3 storey and U thought You was so hot haha) The family will occupy about 400,000 square feet, The construction is inspired by the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
Before u ask any questions, yes the whole thing is his house! I hate my life I hate my Life I hate my Life
There will be 600 full-time members staff to maintain the building. Antilla is named after the mythical island in the Atlantic, Antillia. It is designed by Chicago architects, Perkins & Will. I used to think I had a grande life since Papi put a swimming pool round back, but this house it got a health spa, and small theatre with a seating capacity for 50 on the eighth floor,multiple swimming pools, three floors of hanging gardens and a ballroom, did i forget to mention it got a Ice room, Of course it has a ice room, its hot in Mumbai, Mukesh is rich, why not have a ice room?
Not forgetting the six floors of parking ...Don't u just hate filthy Rich people, how many cars do u have to have 6 floors of parking? I'll tell you how many cars he has...168 imported cars, yeah I just bit myself too.This house estimated to have cost around$2 billion-$1.5Billion and My heart just skipped a beat, Antilia is the most expensive residential building in the world.

The most striking features of the Antilla  which caught my eye is probably the ballroom which has crystal chandeliers that take up approximately 80% of the ceiling.

 It has silver stairways that lead to a central landing, behind which two retractable doors can open to display works of art. There is also a stage for entertainment or speeches, with a projection screen behind it. A kitchen, about the same size as the ballroom itself, can service hundreds of guests, an Olympic-size swimming pool and a four-storey open garden.Other floors have gyms and glass-fronted apartments for guests.
The top four floors are for the Ambani family with a breathtaking view of the Arabian Sea and the city’s impressive skyline. Each family member has their own gym.
The two floors above the family’s residence have been set aside as maintenance areas and for an “air space floor” capable of accommodating three helicopters.
BY the way, Its made of entirely Glass.